The Christian Race

I Can Do All Things

After a long, sedentary time in my life, I trained for and finished my first 10K in 64:51. Nothing spectacular. It took the guy who won the race less than half that time to fly up and down Monument Avenue. So, if my faith was stronger, could I have passed him? After all, I can do "all things." Not a chance. When Paul wrote the words, "all things," he wasn't referring to just any crazy idea that dashed into his mind. Read More...

7 Reasons Why Running is Good for Your Soul

Today, I set out on a dirt road and just ran down any trail my feet pointed me to. The trails hid some inviting hills - one that sloped straight down and away from a small lake (two repeats there with a little vault over the wooden guard rail - woot!).Stairs built by the Boy Scouts. Deer. 

I felt like a kid again; just leaning in the wind and running until dark. It was good for my soul. Read More...

A Grand Entrance

Somewhere around mile nine or ten of this morning's run, the old knee started to yell at me. I made it twelve miles. But coming up that last small hill, and hitting the final stretch that leads to my house, I hobbled like a character from an old Tim Conway skit. And it got me thinking about how I want to cross the finish line of my life. Yes, as Christian I hope to enter heaven. And if all I can do is limp over the finish line, I'm good with that. But I want more. I want to cross the celestial timing mats with a kick. Read More...