Getting in shape isn't rocket surgery. Here are five things that you can do right now - without spending a dime on gym memberships or video programs - that will start you on the road to healthier living.
1. Practice What You Know
Here's a radical idea: the next time you find yourself staring at a piece of food and saying, "I really shouldn't eat this," just stop. Don't stick it in your pie-hole. We all know a good deal more about nutrition than we practice. So start putting your know-how to use right now.
2. Don't Try To Lose Weight
Seriously. Don't do this. Instead, focus on getting healthy. Make sensible diet and exercise habits part of your life and your body will find its own ideal weight.
3. Embrace the Carbs
The low-carb diet. Just one act of craziness that people commit when trying to lose weight. Not good. Your body had three sources of energy: carbs, fats and proteins. Complex carbs, such as whole grain bread, are the easiest for your body to use. Deprive yourself of these and you won't have the stamina you need for sustained activity.
4. Do Something - Right Now
Stop reading this blog RIGHT NOW and go do something. Anything. Do a few push-ups, jog around the house, touch your toes. Do just enough to get your blood flowing and give you that nice, energized feeling.
There now. Don't you feel better? So tomorrow, do the same thing and you'll be on what fitness buffs call "an exercise program." But I'm warning you. Stick with your program and soon - very soon - your body will be asking for new and ever more challenging activities. You may become what couch potatoes call, "an exercise nut."
A Final Encouragement
These tips are intended to get you off the coach and on your way to a healthy lifestyle. The hardest thing about getting in shape is to just start moving from a dead stop. But if you've been sedentary for a long time, you may well have issues that require attention from a health professional. This may be the first step for you, but please don't make it your last.